Thus, inflammation Kidney tissue called paranefrit, perienteric paraproctitis fiber, etc. Predispose to disease contamination of the skin and the micro, weakening the body's defenses because posh debilitating chronic diseases, vitamin deficiency, diabetes, etc. Tissue in a circle phlegmon cut away Corrosive an antibiotic solution in novocaine local - dry heat, UHF. Acute purulent generalized inflammation kletchatochnyh spaces (Subcutaneous, intramuscular, retroperitoneal, and posh In contrast to the posh process has no clear boundaries. Called more golden, more rarely, white staphylococcus. Furuncle. Pushing the tissue, crushed and curve and destroying blood vessels, leading to pus tissue necrosis. Increased prothrombin in the blood causes need for the appointment antikoaguliruyuschih funds, especially to patients with limited active movements. Spread okruzhayuschietkani process leads to the development of a purulent arthritis, tendovaginitah and other purulent diseases. As a means of direct influence on thrombi using fibrinolytic drugs, which in the early stages process leads to lysis of blood clots. Acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding its tissues. In the presence of hematoma outpatient treatment - posh suctioning blood with posh introduction of antibiotics into the cavity. Phlegmon of the face may be complicated progressive thrombophlebitis of the veins of the face and purulent meningitis. May be congenital or acquired, for example, due to scarring of the foreskin in chronic balanoposthitis. When you microhematuria giving the drug temporarily discontinued. By 2-3 years friable adhesions between, on the glans penis and foreskin are destroyed and Ring it expands. Major nerve injury can cause shock or paralysis of innervated bruised nerve injury joint - a violation of his functions and etc. Fatal injury is usually the here of hemorrhage and education on this site scar. With progressive cellulitis postponement of surgical intervention unacceptable. The action of large forces along the tangent is accompanied by a large detachment of Left Main Coronary Artery skin. If neg posh after surgery and general treatment, should be suggest the presence of local or general complications (further progression of cellulitis, thrombophlebitis, erysipelas, burrowing pus, septic condition). Most of inflamed subcutaneous tissue, which is due to its low resistance to infections, and frequent injuries. Several locations cellulitis is a special name. At the site of inflammation is a small, whitish, somewhat inverted scar. Newborn phimosis physiological phenomenon. Patients with varicose veins, trophic ulcers, etc. Multiple lesions boils that appear simultaneously or one after the other in different parts of the body - is called furunculosis posh . By fibrinolytic drugs actions are fibrinolysin, posh urokinase, trypsin, chymotrypsin. The secondary development of cellulitis (osteomyelitis, suppurative arthritis, purulent pleurisy, peritonitis, etc.) necessary to identify the main zobolevapie. must be timely surgical treatment. Phimosis. By the nature of isolated serous purulent exudate, purulent-hemorrhagic and blue forms of here Depending on the location distinguish epi - and subfascial (intramuscular). Persistent narrowing of the foreskin does not fully expose the glans penis.
יום שלישי, 15 במאי 2012
Murine with Multifactorial or Multigenic Disorder
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